React Native Navigation 화면 이동

  • navigation.navigate('RouteName') pushes a new route to the native stack navigator if it’s not already in the stack, otherwise it jumps to that screen.
  • We can call navigation.push('RouteName') as many times as we like and it will continue pushing routes.
  • The header bar will automatically show a back button, but you can programmatically go back by calling navigation.goBack(). On Android, the hardware back button just works as expected.
  • You can go back to an existing screen in the stack with navigation.navigate('RouteName'), and you can go back to the first screen in the stack with navigation.popToTop().
  • The navigation prop is available to all screen components (components defined as screens in route configuration and rendered by React Navigation as a route)
// 스텍에 쌓고 이동하기 ( 뒤로가기시 페이지로 돌아옴 )
this.props.navigation.navigate('스크린 이름 ')

// 이전페이지로 돌아가기 ( 위의  navigate 를 이용하여  이동한 경우  가능  payLoad 가 2개 이상인 경우에 가능 하다 ) 

// 스텍의 제일 윗 페이지로 이동

// 새롭게 컴포넌트를 스텍이 쌓는다. ( 이전에 스텍에 쌓여있으면 그걸 불러온다 )

// 스텍쌓지 않고 이동하기  ( 뒤로가기시  이전페이지로 돌아갈 수 없음 )

// 중첩된 네비게이터에서 이동
this.props.navigation.navigate('A_Screen', { screen: 'A_1Screen' })

How is useNavigationState different from navigation.getState()?

The navigation.getState() function also returns the current navigation state. The main difference is that the useNavigationState hook will trigger a re-render when values change, while navigation.getState() won’t. For example, the following code will be incorrect:

function Profile() {
  const routesLength = navigation.getState().routes.length; // Don't do this

  return <Text>Number of routes: {routesLength}</Text>;

In this example, even if you push a new screen, this text won’t update. If you use the hook, it’ll work as expected:

Try this example on Snack

function Profile() {
  const routesLength = useNavigationState(state => state.routes.length);

  return <Text>Number of routes: {routesLength}</Text>;

So when do you use navigation.getState()? It’s mostly useful within event listeners where you don’t care about what’s rendered. In most cases, using the hook should be preferred

useNavigation vs navigation props

there isn’t any benefit to use the useNavigation hook as the default method for accessing the navigation prop and I personally would strongly advise against it. The official documentation is very clear on when to use the useNavigation hook.

useNavigation is a hook which gives access to navigation object. It’s useful when you cannot pass the navigation prop into the component directly, or don’t want to pass it in case of a deeply nested child.

If the component is defined as a Screen in the Navigator and the navigation prop is passed by it to the screen anyway, we should not create a dependency to a hook which we do not need.

We could even pass the navigation prop from the parent to its children if the children need it. Thus, there is no general need to use useNavigation at all and certainly not as the default method.

However, in some cases it is very inconvenient to pass the navigation prop very deep. That is why useNavigation exists.


Is there any benefit of getting navigation prop using useNavigation hook in React Native?
